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Robin Hills
Emotional Intelligence Coach, Trainer and Facilitator
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Hi. I'm Robin Hills , Doctor of Advanced Studies - Psychology ( honors causa ). It is my intention to provide you with the best on-line courses based around emotional intelligence in business. I am not teaching any other types of course as I am a specialist in emotional intelligence, and it is the focus of my business. I am an emotional intelligence coach, trainer and facilitator with over 40 years' business and commercial experience. My work takes me into small start-ups through to large corporate multi-nationals and into the Public Sector with financial institutions, government departments and health departments, as well as charities. I’m a registered practitioner with the British Psychological Society and sit on the NW committee of the Association for Business Psychology. My articles and papers on resilience have been published in international books and journals. My company is Ei4Change (Emotional Intelligence 4 Change). We are recognised nationally and internationally as specialists with expertise in training, personal development and coaching focusing on emotional intelligence, positive psychology and neuroscience in the workplace. Our emotional intelligence programmes by the Institute of Leadership and Management. I deliver workshops at global emotional intelligence and neuroscience conferences. These have been held at Harvard University, at University of Manchester, in Cape Town, the Middle East and India. I am the author of - The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience (published May 2016)- The Authority Guide to Behaviour in Business - 2nd Edition (published January 2025). Both are available on Amazon. Teaching emotional intelligence skills is a challenge at the best of times so these courses require you to take some ACTION and put into practice what you have learnt. I am here to support and guide you. I hope you enjoy working to develop your resilience and your emotional intelligence and I look forward to working with you.